Please view an interview about the new Florida campaign to close the write-in loophole with John Opdycke, President of Open Primaries.

In 1998, Florida voters overwhelmingly approved a state constitutional amendment which provided for a universal open primary in situations when only one party fielded candidates and there would be no opposition in the general election. That’s only fair, right? At a time when 50% was still the threshold for approval, 64% of voters agreed.

Since that time, candidates from both parties have enlisted bogus write-in candidates to pose as token opposition to keep primaries closed that should have been open to all voters. It’s a fraud, but perfectly legal.

We are reaching out to our networks asking independent-minded voters to join us in an appeal to state legislators. We are asking them to stand against those in both parties using the write-in loophole to keep primaries closed that would otherwise be open to all voters. It happens all too often, and it needs to stop. Flagrant circumvention of the will of voters should be abhorrent to any fair-minded person.
You can help by sending a message to your state representatives in one easy step. Our friends at Open Primaries have provided the research and a convenient link to do so. It takes less than one minute. Please add your support and tell your friends and family about our campaign.

​Thank you.